aviation: Humanitarian flying – how pilots do good


To the right flyer magazine Podcast #36 is a recording of a conversation at AERO 2023 about humanitarian flying. How pilots do good and how normal private pilots can also do relief flights, for example for the Ukraine. Pilot Smud Radisoglou from the Humanitarian Pilots Initiative and Dr. Michael Offermann from Flying Hope under the direction of Thomas Borchert, Editor-in-Chief of flugmagazin.

Panelists’ charities can be found at these links:

Our podcast with Smudo is available here.

About the author


Thomas Borchert

Thomas Borchert started gliding in Uetersen in 1983. A motor glider license followed and finally the PPL in the USA, which was then rewritten in Germany. In 2006 the instrument rating was added. Born in 1962, the qualified physicist came to Fliegermagazin from Stern at the beginning of 2009. At the moment he mainly flies Cirrus SR22T charter aircraft, I prefer to go on longer trips and also like to be in the USA.


  • podcast
  • Humanitarian aid
  • charity
  • Ukraine
  • AERO
  • AIR 2023

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